Winter Logging on the trails

Just a quick note to mention that one of the landowners, whose cooperation makes the CHNSA trail network viable, has communicated to us that last year some skiers ventured dangerously close to operating logging equipment on his land. The loggers, the forester overseeing the logging project, and the landowner were all understandably concerned about safety issues, so the landowner has asked us to restrict skiing on the trails in the area where active logging is taking place this winter.

The trails involved are Big Baldy beyond the Dead River Run intersection, Upper and Lower Crow’s Foot, and Chimera (beyond the gate). The logging trucks exit down Big Baldy to Stagecoach Road, so care should be taken on those trails when log trucks are active.

These trails are key to the CHNSA network. Let’s help the landowner complete his logging operation without incident so that he is comfortable with skier use of his land when the logging is done.

Dave Brautigam, President